Wednesday, 25 May 2011

translatory trip-ups!

I just got done whining to a friend about how I'm English deprived...I'm still a bit depressed, so here are a few "meh!" instances that I remember from my time in beer, sausage and pretzel land!

Chirpy friend (CF) and I were planning a picnic with some close friends:
CF: So we should meet at 12.
Me: yeah..sounds good.
CF: We need to have some activities planned... (raising voice).. Does anyone have balls?!
Me: *grinning and waiting for the obvious quips*
Everyone else: *silence*
me: sighhhh!

Sign at the Komisches Oper cloak room:

'Please hang yourself here'

Cute guy from some party in a post party email:

So, how does a boy have to do to see you again? I hope you have a realizable answer for that.


Me: Supervisor dude (SD), I need something from the dark scary basement.
SD: uhh Jaa! I have to go on an exhibition then I can get it.
Me: um..ok (in my head: he probably meant he had to go to some exhibition thing that is taking place on campus and he can get the stuff for me after.) so when can we go get the stuff?
SD: uhh I have time now!
Me: oh ok! lets go!
So I'm expecting to go to an exhibition, but we end up in the basement..and I get my stuff. On the elevator back to lab:
Me: So..where's the exhibition?
SD: That was it!
Me:eh? (then the light went on in my cobwebbed brain- HE MEANT EXPEDITION WHEN HE SAID EXHIBITION!!) er.. of course *grimace*

Big blond dude at party: I've just arrived back from Africa
Me: oh really? what was it like?
Blond dude: Was very disorganised, ja.
Me: yes..I imagine so, but what did you do there? what did you see? what were your impressions?
Blond dude: Ja was very disorganised.. and hot.
Me: Ok then! lets talk about the weather!
(German organisation and order FTW)

Greek friend A and I were hanging out:

Me: Want some tea?
A: nay
Me: ok (I pour some tea for myself and sit back down, to find him staring at me) What?
A: where's mine?
Me: you said you didn't want any.
A: no..I said yes..
Me: You said nay!
A: yes.. thats yes in Greek. No is 'okhey'

Italian friend A and I had just walked all over town

A: We're excellent street walkers, right?
me: er..
A: My feel hurt, though..I think I'm going to have to work on my technique
Me: *giggle*

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