Just got back from one of them extended family things in the land of my roots (a fourth of them at least). I'm still in shock! However did those roots of mine manage to cram that many temples..and each with a history and a significance ('Visesham' for those who have mothers/aunts/grans like mine) into one tiny 200 sq km area? And WHY?! Why respected forbears why?!! Could you not make do with one or two humongous temples for worship n'all?
The stay in Tiruchirapalli resurrected..and killed my spiritual side! We’ll start with the resurrection.. I absolutely loved the temple in the mallakottai fort. It wasn't at all crowded, the cross ventilation was brilliant, the view awesome, and the silence..dear god! The silence. I jSo while Amma and Periamma whizzed around looking at deities and telling each other of the miraculous phenomena that had happened at each spot, which I'm absolutely sure they knew before, I wandered around looking at the carvings, the pillars, the windows, the view from them. Tried to read the legends that were painted on the walls..some of them stories paati'd told me while I was still in 2-pigtails and frill frocks..some new ones that I'm gonna hit the nephews with if they ever ask for stories. Eventually I ended up in front of the main 'sannidhi'- Maybe it was the low tamil chanting and the breeze and the smell of incense, maybe it was what periamma refers to as 'vibrations' maybe it was just me, but something changed there. In that time I could actually believe, without qualification, without the smallest doubt that there is a god. Not that I can justify my reasoning..but just then there was no need..there was just me and this comfortable awareness.
But all that died a violent death in an hour when we went to the Srirangam temple. The architecture and the artwork was magnificent… but the crowd..it was a circus! It's just beyond me how people can believe that taking a look at the deity..after stepping painfully on countless feet, elbowing people, shoving kids around and generally risking asphyxiation in the sweat/elephant dung/rancid coconut/bat smelling crowd.. is going to benefit them..really!
So.. in retrospect.. I think my spiritual side's there.. it's rather reticent..but there nevertheless!