Thursday, 29 October 2009

The BIG little things...

Little things that gave scientist-me a major thrill... before they became tedious routine or just a *+§$§~#* pain ..

-  Feeling my first endothermic reaction... the tube cooled up..I couldn't let go!
-  My first colour reaction... something with iodene and starch....reddish to blue-black..everyone went 'ooooh'.. I looked cool..but was doing cartwheels inside :D
- Fixing and staining *pathogenic* bacteria for the first time
-  Focusing my first microscope..on aforementioned bacteria
- Figuring out how to manipulate data...and be realistic!
- My first's a work of art!
- Sectioning onion roots and microscoping 'em FTFT (for the first time!)
- Poking myself to get a blood typing sample...I'm still proud of me!
- Watching little bits of stem grow into little plants in tubes.
- Running the HPLC and Mass spec.. all them tubes and things..
- The defining moment...Growing my first cells- G292 osteosarcoma cells.. labelling the flask with my name!
- Watching the G292s detach when I trp-digest them.... gets me's still fun!
- My first contamination.
- Getting my own brand new set of pipettes.. with my name on them.
- Isolating cells from gory bits of bone.. and watching the cells grow *sniff* I'm so proud!
- *hoping* something useful comes of every experiment I start...