I spent a few hours checking out indian news channels online during the recent swearing in ceremony of Dr Singh.. and seriously.. if I hear/see one more ' Singh is King' in connection with our prime minister I will.. well.. I'll want to stomp really hard on the resposible party's foot.. but I'll probable just continue to seethe..
Seriously people.. stop! firstly.. why the obsessive use of some crappy, not-really-worth-remembering movie's name? It's just irritating to have that stupid phrase and even more stupid picture tossed in one's face, just as one starts to think it'll stay in the dim distant past where it belongs! Secondly.. The 'Singh' in question here is our prime minister..a little respect, please! Those ridiculous photoshopped pictures are plain revolting. Third.. ripping off movie titles and using them is just lame..how come news channels use them? aren't our journalists above using ridiculous movie titles for headlines? seriously.. who'd actually go for that nonsense?